如若无梦游春,遍寻冬之落荒 2023

If there were no dream of spring, I would search everywhere for the desolation of winter.


无常的悲喜何时才能落尽, 唯有行过四方 走过四时 见过水的分合 云的聚散 然而落尽之后 它又再次结满枝头 2020.11.5

When will the ever-changing joys and sorrows finally fall,

Only after traversing the four corners of the world,

Walking through the four seasons,

Witnessing the ebb and flow of water,

The gathering and scattering of clouds,

Yet after everything falls,

It fills the branches once again.


谁道洞庭春色多,一夜秋风,万卷枯黄无颜色。 2020.12.3
